Pelican SWIFT Low-Value Payments eBook

Low-Value Cross Border Payment Service from Pelican
SWIFT announced its Low-Value Cross Border Payment Service (SLVP) during SIBOS 2020. This service is specifically targeted for the Small Medium Enterprises (SME) sector and consumer bank customers for account-to-account payments leveraging already existing SWIFT GPI services..
Pelican provides a dedicated and targeted solution for SWIFT GPI-enabled low value cross border payments. The Pelican service will allow banks to provide their SME and consumer customers all of the benefits of SWIFT’s SLVP service, including:
  • Easy to use with simple interbank fee options and a single payment format, using existing services such as pre-validation
  • Fees are predictable up-front and throughout the payment lifecycle
  • Fast Payment that is STP and routed via the fastest and most efficient corridor within four hours
  • Competitive pricing, where payments are sent via a proven best in class service